wynnumcentral, Author at WynnumCentral https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/author/wynnumcentral/ Not just a station, a destination... Sat, 16 Mar 2024 08:40:52 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/WynnumCentral-App-Icon-64x63.png wynnumcentral, Author at WynnumCentral https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/author/wynnumcentral/ 32 32 Election Survey Results (final) https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/election-survey-results/ Mon, 11 Mar 2024 05:37:36 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11733 UPDATE Our survey is now closed. A total of 59 people took part and the final result is… Again, this is a very small sample but does show Alex Givney (LNP) still in the lead, however that lead over Sara Whitmee (ALP) has narrowed. It is also somewhat contradicted by our quick poll which shows …

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Our survey is now closed. A total of 59 people took part and the final result is…

Again, this is a very small sample but does show Alex Givney (LNP) still in the lead, however that lead over Sara Whitmee (ALP) has narrowed. It is also somewhat contradicted by our quick poll which shows Sara Whitmee with a comfortable margin, although again with only a small sample of 111 responses.

So …all bets are off!

Thank you to all 42 people who have so far completed our election survey. Of course 42 people is a very small sample (so not really ‘statistically significant’) however it is uncanny how some of our previous election surveys, despite also being small samples, have been quite good predictors of the actual results!

We are keeping the survey open should you wish to share your thoughts with us anonymously at any point before election day next Saturday 16th March, plus we have a quick ‘snap poll’ here which we are keeping open until election day asking who are have voted for (or who you will vote for or if you are still undecided) – again anonymous.

Having said, here are the results so far from the survey…

What is the most important issue in this election?

Click here to read all of the responses (so far) to “What is the most important issue in this election?”


When asked gender and age band 52% of respondents were female and 45% male, and the largest representative age band was 46-55 (29%) followed by 36-45 (19) and 56-65 (17%).

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We recently asked the candidates in the council election why you should vote for them https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/we-recently-asked-the-candidates-in-the-council-election-why-you-should-vote-for-them/ Mon, 11 Mar 2024 04:44:26 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11716 The following are the unedited responses from the candidates to this question. Candidates were also invited – if they wished – to answer here some (or all) of the questions that were asked by attendees at the Candidates Forum on 3rd March (see this article for the full list of questions submitted at the forum). …

The post We recently asked the candidates in the council election why you should vote for them appeared first on WynnumCentral.

The following are the unedited responses from the candidates to this question. Candidates were also invited – if they wished – to answer here some (or all) of the questions that were asked by attendees at the Candidates Forum on 3rd March (see this article for the full list of questions submitted at the forum).

Craig Moore Independent

Councils must have zoning powers to keep brothels out of residential areas, unless it’s a solo worker, working from home. More than one person working from home should then be relocated to an industrial area.

As we know nothing is (Free Bus loop) I will cut the council advertising budget to help with cost. We will give the Bus loop a 6 months trial, then evaluate the cost and effectiveness.

Wynnum Creek, South Bank style lagoon pool, added parking, floating movie nights and a Boardwalk bistros that will overlook the pool for parents, Redcliffe style jetty, rotunda, with attached protected floating pontoon saltwater pool at the end of Davenport Dr. Lota – Thorneside nature / bike path, running beside and connected to the train bridge overpass. Linking the bayside’s together. Reinforced floating pontoon walkway Darling Point to Norfolk Point. Entertaining for tourists and Imagine the joy on the children’s faces especially the kids from the newly constructed Special school at darling point as they cross the walkway more development plans for the area are on my FB page… www.facebook.com/Vote.1.Moore Once elected, I will inform our state and Federal representatives before their elections, we demand contractual agreements for funding our projects, if not I will rally the people to remove them from office.

Once elected, I formed a committee of local non-political members to oversee all my work. Monthly public meetings with zoom and FB links to discuss major building projects. If this government can stop bringing in 500,000 people a year, we might have a chance to slow down the housing crisis. Parking .. transform all parallel parking into angle parking on the waterfront where possible.

I will cut red tape and demand Granny flats must be fast tracked to help relieve the pressure on housing. The past years I have been feeding and helping the homeless, with my charity ( Sit N Chat ) we have people living in tents and cars in the Wynnum area, they have toilets locked at night and no outside showers. Yes I want affordable housing but first, I would like to build a Pod Hotel for night time housing for the homeless in the CBD with free rail transport to and from.

Bel Ellis The Greens

I own local business, Little Gnome bookshop and a sound hire business, where I have spent the past 9 years DJ’ing at most of our local schools, forging connections at a grass roots level.

I also have been raising funds for Variety, The Children’s Charity since 2019, with our Variety Bash entry, The Little Gnome Mobile. It’s the most rewarding experience and I highly recommend people getting involved with Variety.

Development and progress on the Bayside can successfully co-exist with a social, environmental and sustainable conscience l, at the forefront of design. We have to have a social conscious in every decision we make, because all walks and wheels of life call the bayside home and right now, so many are being priced out of our area.

Let’s run a council from the ground up, not the other way around.


Alex Givney LNP

We live in the best part of Brisbane, there’s no doubt about it!

From the passionate residents, incredible local businesses, and hardworking community groups – we all have an important part to play in the Wynnum Manly culture.

As a resident of the Bayside for 20 years, I have been actively involved in our community and have formed genuine relationships with many people who live and work here.

I believe our ward has great potential but needs the right representation in Council to work productively with the Lord Mayor to get things done!

I support a healthy growth of population, which will in turn boost our local economy, alongside suitable upgrades to infrastructure to ensure we are considering the big picture.

If elected on March 16th, I will start by getting back to basics! It’s all well and good to have grand plans, but you can’t promise projects that you may not be able to deliver.

Let’s focus on the Council’s responsibilities, the four ‘R’s’. Rates, Rubbish, Roads and Recreation!

Rates: Team Schrinner continues to have the lowest rates in South East Queensland and by keeping a balanced budget and not over spending, will keep them low – simple!
Rubbish: The Schrinner team will support our resident’s needs and not make cuts to your weekly rubbish collection.
Roads: Keeping up with general maintenance and ensuring our roads are safe to drive on. We also have plans for upgrades on Wynnum Road at Hemmant and Cambridge Parade in Manly.
Recreation: We will continue to fund local events and look forward to delivering upgrades to the Wading Pool Playground. To keep our youth engaged and active, Team Schrinner will fund an off-road cycling track and consider ways to support our incredible local sporting clubs to ensure they are reaching maximum participation.

For more information about my local deliverables and the Team Schrinner plan for Brisbane, please head to my website – https://www.teamschrinner.com.au/alex-givney

If you kindly give me the chance, I will work incredibly hard to ensure we keep Brisbane and the Bayside moving!

Sara Whitmee ALP

As the local Councillor in Wynnum Manly our community is at the heart of everything that I do. We need a Council that will stand up for the suburbs of Brisbane and see investment in the heart of our local communities – not just in the inner city.

That’s why I’m so proud to commit to upgrading our local parks like Greene and Elanora, to giving a facelift to the Manly foreshore and to upgrade the gym equipment at Lota. Our Labor team have also committed to a massive $1 billion road investment across Brisbane. That will see some of the intersections that I’ve been fighting for like the Whites road roundabout or the Manly Rd, Stannard Rd intersection to be upgraded sooner.

I’m so proud to live and raise my family here in Wynnum-Manly.

The following questions were submitted by people who came along to the Candidates Forum on Saturday 3rd March. The following are Sara’s answers to some of those questions…

Q: If elected what’s your plan for the area to prosper

We need more precincts for people to go to shop, eat and have a drink that are in the heart of our community. I also think Council has a big role to play in making sure that sustainable development is done well, around these centres and around public transport hubs.

Q: When elected what will you bring of benefit to the area?

Part of my local plan for Wynnum Manly is to makeover the Manly foreshore, upgrade Greene and Elanora parks, upgrade the Lota outdoor gym equipment and to make a dog park at Ropley Road park. Our Labor commitment to invest $1 billion in our road network will also see us prioritise road upgrades like at Whites Road roundabout and Manly and Stannard Rd intersection.

Q: I have 2 young adults still living at home, most of the building in Wynnum Manly seems to be high end units out of my kids price range. Will you focus on providing affordable house to rent and buy so my kids can move out one day?


Q: How do you propose to show up in the leadership role, and manage the public interest in deciding how to spend the budget when vigorous opposition to choices is in the mix of debate and decision making?

It’s hard to juggle everyone’s competing interest, and the difficult thing about being a local Councillor is not everyone is going to agree on what the priorities for spending should be. I’m committed to talking to as many people as possible, that’s why I’m always out knocking on peoples doors and calling locals. It’s clear that people in Wynnum want our fair share of council funding, we don’t want our roads to continue to be neglected and we need to see infrastructure prioritised here.

Q: My question is for the Greens and Labor candidates. Given the public stance from both parties on Australia Day and it’s tradition, if elected, will you continue to honour its significance on our calendar without making any adjustments to its merit and the pioneers of this country in which we continue to be grateful for.

As is tradition, this year I held our annual Wynnum Manly Australia Day breakfast and as your local Councillor I will continue to do so if re-elected.

Q: Do you support the $200 million investment into Victoria park?

No – this overspend by the LNP Is a classic example of their obsession with large inner city projects that don’t benefit all of Brisbane. The budget for the project continues to blow out. I would prefer this money spent on improving our roads and public transport system.

Q: The incidence of new high rise unit blocks is increasing. Do you support the inclusion of affordable housing in new developments


Q: How about a council operated ferry that connected the bayside to the city?

There’s lots of things to consider here – some of our bayside is protected habitat and I’m not sure where we could locate a ferry terminal. Due to the limitations of city cats they are unable to leave the river. What I would prefer to see is a more connected bus network so we can get around between the suburbs.

Q: How would you continue to support growth of our entertainment industry while supporting the development of high rise Residential buildings.

Labor has an Arts policy to support our entertainment industry and encourage more investment in our suburbs.

Q: Most candidates and the State MP are based in Wynnum. How many times have you visited business owners and residents in the Manly and Lota areas in the last six months? What do you know about the Manly Harbour Village Chamber’s role and how council could assist in our efforts to provide value to the area?

I couldn’t count how many times I’ve visited specific businesses in Manly and Lota however I can tell you that my family and I love Manly. My husband and I celebrate our anniversary at the Boat House, we love having lunch at Sea Vibes and one of my favourite hideaways is Cafe La Mer. I am the only candidate with money on the table to help boost the work that has already been done by MHV and I want the chamber to have a say on how that money is spent.

Q: A recent hot topic of policy has been youth crime. While a majority of policy promises have been on the law enforcement end of this issue, do the candidates (or their representative parties) have policy proposals addressing root causes such as social disengagement?

I believe we need to support community groups that specifically target this. I was astounded to hear that BCC has not continued to fund one of BABIs programs that provides a safe space for kids to go. The Lord Mayor has said he wants the fix youth crime but he consistently walks away from programs that address the root causes.

Q: Why the mosquitoes situation on the Bayside not getting any better if we are supposedly spraying every year?

Because the administration doesn’t spray often enough or early enough. The Lord Mayor needs to be better at this, especially as we become more tropical in every passing year.


The post We recently asked the candidates in the council election why you should vote for them appeared first on WynnumCentral.

Did you know… 3.6 million people have some level of hearing loss in Australia? https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/did-you-know-3-6-million-people-have-some-level-of-hearing-loss-in-australia/ Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:07:24 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11681 March 3rd marks World Hearing Day, an annual campaign to raise awareness on hearing loss prevention and advocating for better hearing healthcare worldwide. Local audiologist Ben Hoddinott from The Little Hearing Co advises that World Hearing Day is a great opportunity for Bayside locals to get their hearing checked. “In Australia, over 3.6 million people …

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March 3rd marks World Hearing Day, an annual campaign to raise awareness on hearing loss prevention and advocating for better hearing healthcare worldwide.

Local audiologist Ben Hoddinott from The Little Hearing Co advises that World Hearing Day is a great opportunity for Bayside locals to get their hearing checked.

“In Australia, over 3.6 million people have some level of hearing loss.” says Ben (pictured left). “Unfortunately, we know that many people with hearing loss can take years to do something about it. In the meantime their mental health, social participation and work lives can be impacted. It can also have wide reaching impacts on their families and friends. If you or a loved one is experiencing hearing difficulties, there is a wide range of programs and devices which can help.”

Ben adds that World Hearing Day is an important prompt for people to see a specialist and not put up with hearing difficulties.

“Hearing well is such an important part of life, and we don’t want anyone to put off having their test because of the cost. It only takes a few minutes to book a test via our website or by giving our clinic a call.” he says.

Throughout March The Little Hearing Co. are offering up to 50% off their comprehensive hearing assessments, with rebates also available through Medicare with a referral from a doctor.

Ben stresses that prevention is better than a cure and advises limiting exposure to loud noises, using hearing protection (such as ear plugs) and getting your hearing checked annually.

For further info on The Little Hearing Co, visit www.littlehearingco.com or phone them on (07) 3843 5401.

The Little Hearing Co. is a Member of Brisbane Business Bayside and a supporter of WynnumCentral.

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Candidates Forum meeting on Saturday 2nd March https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/open-meeting-this-saturday-morning-to-hear-from-and-ask-questions-to-the-candidates-for-the-upcoming-council-elections/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 12:51:15 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11699 WynnumCentral, in conjunction with local business group Brisbane Business Bayside, held a one hour ‘Meet The Candidates’ open meeting on Saturday 2nd March from 11am-12pm at the Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre on Tingal Road in Wynnum. This open meeting was an opportunity to hear from all of the candidates for the Wynnum/Manly Ward in the …

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WynnumCentral, in conjunction with local business group Brisbane Business Bayside, held a one hour ‘Meet The Candidates’ open meeting on Saturday 2nd March from 11am-12pm at the Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre on Tingal Road in Wynnum.

This open meeting was an opportunity to hear from all of the candidates for the Wynnum/Manly Ward in the upcoming council elections.

The format of the meeting was…

1) A brief introduction to the candidates and the parties they represent
2) Each candidate was then given the opportunity to talk for 5 minutes about what they would do if elected
3) There was also an opportunity for questions from attendees (see below)

The meeting ran in a similar fashion to the Q&A program on ABC TV in that all questions were submitted in advance (and were also be submitted to candidates in advance).

What was interesting is that, when asked (by a show of hands) who was sticking with the candidate they were supporting prior to the forum and who was reconsidering as a result of what they had heard, around a third to a quarter of those present indicated they were reconsidering. Very interesting indeed!

The candidates as pictured in the main image above (in alphabetical order by surname) are Bel Ellis (Greens), Alex Givney (LNP), Craig Moore (Independent) and current councillor Sara Whitmee (Labor).


Here are all the questions that were asked by attendees (please note those highlighted in grey were not asked due to time limitations, although all candidates received all questions ahead of the meeting).

The state government is seeking to decriminalise prostitution services. A recently introduced Bill seeks to treat brothels just like any other business. They will be able to operate wherever they want, and they can advertise however they want. But the Bill goes further and specifically prevents Brisbane City Council from introducing zoning changes and other restrictions. And with the dismantling of the current licencing scheme, that means that brothels will be able to operate and advertise in residential areas, including next to your home and next to a school. How do you feel about these changes? Should the council have the zoning powers to keep brothels out of residential areas? If you oppose the changes, what steps do you intend to take?
What are the candidates view on free public transport or at the least a free loop bus service for the area
If elected what’s your plan for the area to prosper
When elected what will you bring of benefit to the area?
Why do we need to have the turnaround on the Lindum rail crossing and have there been any type of monitoring of the area to see the traffic load times?
Development plans for Wynnum area – what should we do to avoid turning the area into a high rise slum like the Gold Coast, with attendant crowding and parking issues? Already some businesses have closed down due to rent increases, and we don’t want any more to go.
What are your plans regarding the Brisbane Airport noise problems? The original intention for the second runway was that all landings and departures would be over the Bay. This intention has no been kept.
I have 2 young adults still living at home, most of the building in Wynnum Manly seems to be high end units out of my kids price range. Will you focus on providing affordable house to rent and buy so my kids can move out one day?
The greens have as one of theit election slogans free and frequent public transport.How do they propose to fund this?
How do you propose to show up in the leadership role, and manage the public interest in deciding how to spend the budget when vigorous opposition to choices is in the mix of debate and decision making?
How will you demonstrate being open and transparent and accountable to us on all public meetings in the fairness of access to ALL not just supporting party voters of your LGA where venue capacity locks out opposing voices?
Yes, I’d like to ask what we are doing to reduce red tape in council to make building approvals faster for granny flats.
My question is for the Greens and Labor candidates. Given the public stance from both parties on Australia Day and it’s tradition, if elected, will you continue to honour its significance on our calendar without making any adjustments to its merit and the pioneers of this country in which we continue to be grateful for.
What are your parties specific plans for this Wynnum Manly Ward
What plans for the old fish market bldg in Greene Park
Do you support the $200 million investment into Victoria park?
The incidence of new high rise unit blocks is increasing. Do you support the inclusion of affordable housing in new developments
How about a council operated ferry that connected the bayside to the city ?
How would you continue to support growth of our entertainment industry while supporting the development of high rise Residential buildings.
Would there be an option to have a local bus that runs between the manly village and Wynnum central ?
Most candidates and the State MP are based in Wynnum. How many times have you visited business owners and residents in the Manly and Lota areas in the last six months? What do you know about the MHV Chamber’s role and how council could assist in our efforts to provide value to the area?
Our area needs investment in large infrastructure projects, not just little apartment/retail developments. What talks have you already had, and what relationships do you currently have with big players in this section of industry?
A recent hot topic of policy has been youth crime. While a majority of policy promises have been on the law enforcement end of this issue, do the candidates (or their representative parties) have policy proposals addressing root causes such as social disengagement?
intersection between Coles and subway is dangerous and requires a roundabout or traffic lights.
what is your definition of a woman?
Why the mosquitoes situation on the Bayside not getting any better if we are supposedly spraying every year?



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This Friday’s Wynnum UpLate shaping up to bigger – and better – than ever! https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/this-fridays-wynnum-uplate-shaping-up-to-bigger-and-better-than-ever/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:16:09 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11690 Here’s what we know… Participating businesses (in alphabetical order) Cultivate Design Co (Bay Terrace) Florence and Cornelius (Florence Street) Hali Home (Bay Terrace) Le Buste (Edith Street) Lewis and Philp (Florence Street) Little Toy Tribe (Bay Terrace) Mandala VGF (Florence Street)* Matilda The Art Of Gelato* (corner Bay Terrace and Florence Street) Munja Pizza (Bay …

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Here’s what we know…

Participating businesses (in alphabetical order)

  • Cultivate Design Co (Bay Terrace)
  • Florence and Cornelius (Florence Street)
  • Hali Home (Bay Terrace)
  • Le Buste (Edith Street)
  • Lewis and Philp (Florence Street)
  • Little Toy Tribe (Bay Terrace)
  • Mandala VGF (Florence Street)*
  • Matilda The Art Of Gelato* (corner Bay Terrace and Florence Street)
  • Munja Pizza (Bay Terrace)
  • Redmoon Jewellery (Florence Street)
  • Simply Bella (Bay Terrace)
  • Sobidah Clothing Co. (Edith Street)*
  • Sonny Jim (Edith Street)
  • The Collective Store (Bay Terrace)
  • The Eclectic Mix (Edith Street)
  • The Fairy Shop Australia (Bay Terrace)

*members of Brisbane Business Bayside and supporters of this site

The Big Prize

The big prize at Wynnum UpLate is a hamper of goodies from local businesses valued at over $550. To be in the draw all you have to do is shop at three of the outlets listed above on the night.

Live Music & Performance

  • The Charlotte Street Jazz Band will be performing at The Eclectic Mix in Edith St (6pm-8pm)
  • The Emily & Byron Duo will be performing on the corner of Florence Street and Bay Terrace (6pm-7.30pm)
  • The LED Hula Hoop Ladies will be …everywhere


  • Fashion Parade at Sobidah Clothing Co. in Edith Street from 6.30 pm (limited seating – first in best dressed – pun intended)
  • The Collective Store Pre-Loved Fashion Market 4pm-8pm


A slice of Rustic Tomato Tart from Mandala VGF
  • Gluten free and plant-based kitchen Mandala VGF will be holding an ‘Evening of Taste’ where you can try all of their delicious food at 5/124 Florence Street (directly across the road from Woolworths) – free entry and free tasting 5pm-8pm
  • Munja Pizza in Bay Terrace – woodfired pizza
  • The Shed (behind Cultivate Design Co. down the alleyway) for cocktails and exotic nibbles (see main image)
  • The best (Italian) ice cream around at Matilda the Art of Gelato on the corner of Bay Terrace and Florence Street
The BEST Italian ice cream and gelato!


  • Hali Home (on Bay Terrace) are offering 10% OFF Ken Done plus you receive a free gift with all Palm Beach candle purchases. And enjoy a glass of bubbles when you visit!
  • Le Busté will be staying up late with champagne, and a FREE gift with purchase. A donation of 10% of purchases on the night will go to Mater Chicks in Pink Fundraiser (the Fun Run is held on 10 March)
It’s worth a walk down Florence Street!
Definitely worth the walk down Florence Street – Red Moon Jewellery (just past Woolworths and the Library) AND Mandala VGF across the road


Wynnum UpLate Autumn Edition is supported by Wynnum Commerce and the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund.

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It’s election time again https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/its-election-time-again/ Wed, 21 Feb 2024 06:35:03 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11668 It’s been four years since the last council elections and so we’re due for the next round in just over three weeks. Quite a lot has changed since then – particularly in the Wynnum and Bayside area. WynnumCentral is planning to interview all candidates in the runup to the election, so if yo have any …

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It’s been four years since the last council elections and so we’re due for the next round in just over three weeks. Quite a lot has changed since then – particularly in the Wynnum and Bayside area.

WynnumCentral is planning to interview all candidates in the runup to the election, so if yo have any burning questions you’d like us to ask them, please send your questions through to us, along with your name (first and last) via email to admin@wynnumcentral.com.au.

Take our quick survey (this survey is now closed)

We have also put together a very short – and totally anonymous – survey for anyone who will be voting in the Wynnum/Manly ward this time around. It’s a quick survey where we ask…

  • Which party candidate you voted for in the last elections (even if you were living in a different part of Brisbane)
  • Which candidate in the Wynnum/Manly ward you’d vote for if the election was on tomorrow (and which Mayoral candidate)
  • Your age bracket/gender (you can opt not to tell us your gender)
  • What you think is the most important issue of this election

We are also looking at the possibility of a short 1 hour (free) ‘open’ evening meeting where you can get to meet all the candidates and ask them your (presubmitted) questions – a bit like Q&A. In the survey we ask if you would be interested in coming along to an event like this.

Important dates

The important dates to remember are…

Monday 4th March – early voting starts
Monday 4th March – applications for postal voting closes (7pm)
Saturday 16th March – Election Day (polling booths open 8am-6pm)
Saturday 16th March – postal vote completion deadline (6pm)
Tuesday, 26 March – postal vote return deadline

Where to vote

Early Voting Centre
89 Tingal Road, Wynnum, QLD Australia 4178

Polling Booths
Here are the locations of the polling booths on Election Day…

Lota State School
26 Richard Street, Lota, QLD Australia 4179

Manly West State School
226 Manly Road, Manly West, QLD Australia 4179

Wynnum-Manly Alliance Church Hall
60 Preston Road, MANLY WEST, QLD Australia 4179

Wondall Heights State School
260 Wondall Road, MANLY WEST, QLD Australia 4179

Wynnum State School
81 Boxgrove Avenue, WYNNUM, QLD Australia 4178

St Peter’s Anglican Church Hall
86 Bride Street, WYNNUM, QLD Australia 4178

Guardian Angels Catholic Church
198 Bay Terrace, Wynnum, QLD Australia 4178

Wynnum West State School
2036 Wynnum Road, WYNNUM WEST, QLD Australia 4178

More info here.

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New passenger ferry service to open from the Bayside to North Stradbroke Island https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/new-passenger-ferry-service-to-open-from-the-bayside-to-north-stradbroke-island/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:58:24 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11661 Boat tour agency River to Bay will be launching a new ferry service on 1st March from the William Gunn Jetty in Manly to Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island. The trip on the new ‘Straddie Shuttle’ will take half an hour and will cost $33 one way and $44 return, or $15 and $22 respectively …

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Boat tour agency River to Bay will be launching a new ferry service on 1st March from the William Gunn Jetty in Manly to Dunwich on North Stradbroke Island. The trip on the new ‘Straddie Shuttle’ will take half an hour and will cost $33 one way and $44 return, or $15 and $22 respectively for children.

You can just pitch up and pay for the trip onboard using EFTPOS, but River to Bay recommend booking in advance on their website to ensure you get a seat. There are six departures from Manly daily (except Mondays) at 7am, 8am and 9am in the morning and 4pm and 5pm in the afternoon. Trips back from Dunwich to Manly leave at 7.30am, 8.30am, 2.30pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm. At this point it looks as though they’re already booked out on their first day, Friday 1st March.

The service from Manly is on board a 12m boat called Bottlenose (pictured left) which can seat up to 28 passengers.

Will you get wet?

The operators advise that “Our boats will cruise at 25-30 knots, which will throw up a bit of spray in most weather conditions. The boats are equipped with clear roll-down blinds all around, which mostly keep it dry. However, boats are boats and there is always a chance you and your stuff will get a splash. We recommend leaving things at home that just cannot get wet.”

And if you’re wondering if there is a toilet on board, there is.

As the new service is walk on passengers only, it will not replace the car ferry service that departs from Cleveland.

At the moment the operators are running a launch promotion where you get 50% off ferry tickets if you buy beofre the end of February by using the promo code SHUTTLE at checkout (and you must travel before 30th May)

For more info and to book tickets visit the operator’s website: https://rivertobay.com.au/stradbroke-island-ferry/

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Wynnum UpLate – Autumn Edition https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/wynnum-uplate-autumn-edition/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:04:19 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11653 The Autumn edition of Wynnum UpLate is coming up on Friday 1st March 5pm-8pm. Retailers from the Bay Terrace, Edith Street and Florence Street precincts, will come together for a late night shopping experience designed to celebrate the shops, services, restaurants and small businesses of Wynnum Central. Come long and enjoy entertainment on the streets, …

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The Autumn edition of Wynnum UpLate is coming up on Friday 1st March 5pm-8pm.

Retailers from the Bay Terrace, Edith Street and Florence Street precincts, will come together for a late night shopping experience designed to celebrate the shops, services, restaurants and small businesses of Wynnum Central.

Come long and enjoy entertainment on the streets, in-store offers and a fabulous night of shopping.

Shop from the participating stores on the Wynnum UpLate map (coming soon) and you could also win a hamper of items from local retailers.

Check for updates on the Facebook page.

Wynnum UpLate is supported by Wynnum Commerce and the Lord Mayors Community Fund.

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Vaping – a new challenge https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/vaping-a-new-challenge/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:52:09 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11646 Guest article by Suzy Woodhouse, Hypnotherapy Counselling & Coaching       A new challenge has surfaced in the wake of the smoking epidemic, a challenge with profound health implications: the rapid rise of vaping. A phenomenon that was barely on our radar a decade ago now involves an estimated 4.3 million individuals in Great …

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Guest article by Suzy Woodhouse, Hypnotherapy Counselling & Coaching




A new challenge has surfaced in the wake of the smoking epidemic, a challenge with profound health implications: the rapid rise of vaping.

A phenomenon that was barely on our radar a decade ago now involves an estimated 4.3 million individuals in Great Britain alone, equating to 9.1% of the adult population. Figures are higher in Australia – 9.3%.

This is a call to action because vaping is a cloaked hazard. Vaping was initially hailed as a safer alternative to smoking, but it is now unmasking its true colours.

Early research indicates links to lung damage, heart disease and a host of other health issues. Alarmingly, the impact on youth is profound, with a stark increase in vaping among school students raising fears of long-term addiction and health risks.

The reality is clear: vaping is not a safe harbour. And it’s not cool and it does not make people look better.

Hypnotherapy Vaping Cessation is necessary because it works. Studies, including those published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnotherapy in smoking cessation.

The parallels between smoking and vaping – particularly in terms of addiction and habit – suggest that hypnotherapy is uniquely positioned to help a growing demographic desperate for solutions.

Vapers are diverse – ex-smokers turned to vaping; dual users, juggling cigarettes and e-cigarettes; non-smokers trying it for the first time, out of curiosity.

If you have any concerns raised by this article, call Suzy on 0409 429101 to discuss your needs / habits / causes of vaping and how to change them.

This article was contributed by Suzy Woodhouse of Hypnotherapy Counselling & Coaching and was originally published on the Hypnotherapy Counselling & Coaching website here.

Hypnotherapy Counselling & Coaching is a member of Brisbane Business Bayside and supporter of WynnumCentral.

Main photo credit: jovan barretto: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-with-smoke-coming-out-of-his-mouth-10047328/

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Wynnum cinema closes after three years https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/wynnum-cinema-closed-after-three-years/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 08:59:06 +0000 https://www.wynnumcentral.com.au/?p=11642 Just days after announcing that they were going into voluntary administration, Majestic cinemas announced on February 12th that they were closing three of the cinemas in the group, including Wynnum. The statement reads… “Despite facing challenges in reaching agreements at a few locations, the team is making a strategic move to focus on a more …

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Just days after announcing that they were going into voluntary administration, Majestic cinemas announced on February 12th that they were closing three of the cinemas in the group, including Wynnum.

The statement reads…

“Despite facing challenges in reaching agreements at a few locations, the team is making a strategic move to focus on a more streamlined and efficient operation resulting in the closure of three of its cinemas in Wynnum (QLD), Singleton (NSW), and Nelson Bay (NSW). The last sessions at these
sites were on Sunday, 11 February 2024.”

This is a blow to the local community that had made it abundantly clear (for example here) that the number one thing it wanted in Wynnum was a cinema. In the original statement on 1st February, the cinema group explained some of the reasons (read more here) for the administration and now the closure.

The developers of the building where the cinema is located, Ham Bros Group, have recently commented on the closure.

Justin Ham

“We are just as disappointed as the rest of Wynnum to see Majestic close their doors,” said Justin Ham, Managing Director of Ham Bros Group. “To have it close its doors three years on is certainly not an outcome we envisioned.”

Ham Bros Group remains resolute in their commitment to keeping the cinema operating. “At this stage, we still believe there’s a market for it, and we are committed to keeping the cinema alive,” emphasised Ham.

Ham and his team are actively exploring options to revitalise the space.

Ham Bros Group acknowledges the importance of ensuring that movie-watching remains affordable for all members of the community – “the first thing we will do is make sure it’s a lot more affordable to see a movie moving forward.” said Ham.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

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