Honey I shrunk the paper

Wynnum Herald (literally) gets smaller

This week marks quite a radical step for the local paper – the Wynnum Herald. It has literally downsized to a slightly smaller version.

The other major change is in how the paper will be delivered. Up until now the paper has been delivered to residents on its own, although it’s fair to say that deliveries have sometimes been a little patchy in some parts of Wynnum, with some areas getting the paper and then not, or the paper turning up a day or two late. The Herald used to always publish on the Wednesday (although often arriving the next day) and in the past 6 months or so the publication day has been pushed to the Thursday.

Under the new arrangements the paper – in its new compact size – will be delivered with one of the unaddressed (‘junk’) mail deliveries. The major change is that if you have a ‘no junk mail’ sticker on your mailbox you will no longer receive the paper. Our guess is that there are quite a few readers of the paper at the moment that have this sticker on their mailbox and they will miss out from here on in. And those people who leave their copy of the Herald on the driveway for a week and then put it in the bin, will continue to receive it if they do not have a no junk mail sticker. Perhaps the Herald should produce a little sticker that says ‘Herald Please’ for people to put next to their no junk mail sign!

WynnumCentral also understands that publication day of the new format Herald will revert to the Wednesday.

Tell us what you think of the new paper and the changes either in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

Old and new Wynnum Herald format

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