WynnumCentral recently ran a quick survey of people’s opinions on the applications to ‘fill in’ (ie remove) the parking bays on Bay Terrace outside the Health Hub Precinct (formerly the ‘IGA centre’).
It’s safe to say we weren’t inundated with responses, however the 33 people who participated were largely against the removal of these bays – 64% were against and 36% were for. Three quarters of the respondents were aged 36-65 and females formed around two thirds of the respondents.
Councillor Peter Cumming, who set up the original online petition against the removals of the parking spots (which now has 86 signatures), is against the removal of the bays on the basis that this may negatively affect the trade of the food takeaways in this section of Bay Terrace.
Here are the comments of the people who took the survey…
- Can we make Bay Tce one way and Tingal Rd one way but going in the opposite direction? We could then have angle parking on 1 side of the roads to enable more cars to park
- Stupidist idea ever. Already to much dining on footpaths in Wynnum. Sick of trying to manouver around tables, chairs, prams, dogs & the list goes on.
- I really don’t get footpath dining. We aren’t Paris with wide footpaths, just have a look at how congested the footpaths are in Oxford St, Bulimba. Passing pedestrians and car fumes don’t make for a nice dining experience.
On street parking is already limited, so why take away even more spaces. - Bay Tce should be a shared zone or pedestrian zone from Berrima St to Chestnut St. There seems to be in increase in noisy cars and motorcycles being driven fast / hooning in this area.
- Will affect takeaway business like the chicken, kebab and Thai restaurant
- Removal of the parking bays will seriously impact the takeaway businesses in this area. They have been there a while and have contributed to the culture of Wynnum. They are also a boon for disabled persons and those with limited mobility to access the cafes and takeaways in this area.
- At least one set should remain as a loading bay for deliveries for the shops in the immediate vicinity. For maximum efficiency, the delivery vehicles should be able to park close.
- A shared pedestrian zone wold be more beneficial for business and patrons alike.
- Bulimba has on-street parking out the front of their restaurants.
- If people can’t park close to the business they want to support, then they (I) will go somewhere where I do not have to walk far.
- I think it may provide a bit more of a village atmosphere.
- Removing the parking would encourage a mall type of look..plus people walking across the road to different venues will be seen easier by those cars travelling through thus making it safer for all.. ..speed limit reduced to 40 max would be good too …
- Will enhance the street scape a lot if it allows more alfresco dining. A few bays could be left for takeaway pick ups with number plate recognition and fines if staying longer than a set period of time- say 15 mins or whatever is thought suitable
- The removal of the carspaces will provide much needed footpath dining, similar to Mr Hibatchi. Without extra footpath dining, how are Mary’s Kebabs and other tenancies going to increase dine in patrons and improve the vibe in Wynnum.
- The more people that can dine in, the more people who will likely go to the gelati place for dessert or stop at the fat duck for a drink etc. Creating a vibrant CBD is not reliant on take out places, where people stop for 2mins to collect food and leave to go home. Vibrant CBD’s are stimulated by creating usable spaces.
- The Wynnum Central Shopping Centre has a lot of parking! People seem to forget there is roof parking which has an elevator that stops near Mary’s Kebabs.
- The shop owners aren’t concerned about lack of parking, it’s the patrons who are too lazy to park and walk an extra 30m to collect their takeout.If you are that lazy you should just get Uber eats 😉
- The lack of parking in Bulimba has not negatively affected restaurants/shops.
- Only in favour of there is a plan to put in parking spots elsewhere. It’s very difficult to find parking in most of Wynnum any day of week. More space for on street dining is a good idea
- They should do Edith st as well
- I think there’s plenty of parking under the IGA building, now that there’s no supermarket. I think a wider footpath & developing the whole section of bay terrace between Florence & Charlotte street as a pedestrian priority area would create a ‘heart’ of Wynnum and allow for an evening dining & entertainment scene.
- Definitely remove the car parks from Bride St to Clara St …Either a round-a-bout at the corner of bay terrace & Berrima St or Lights this would also slow the traffic as well
The survey is still open if you would like to add your thoughts. Or feel free to add them in the comments below…