Comments on: Parking survey results Not just a station, a destination... Wed, 17 Mar 2021 01:13:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Norm Wed, 17 Mar 2021 01:13:45 +0000 Parking has always been a problem in Wynnum. Leave the current parking spaces alone as removing them will have an impact on the business nearby. Close off Bay Tce between Florence and Edith and make it a pedestrian zone with seating and dining in the road area, also close off Edith Street down to the NAB and do the same in this area. Provides plenty of area for pedestrians and shops as well as eating areas, makes it safer for people and kids, and will encourage more lifestyle businesses to make use of the area.

By: Jonathan Dass Tue, 16 Mar 2021 08:32:10 +0000 One of the basic rules of urban planning is creating various outdoor and outdoor/indoor mixed spaces that are inclusive, that interact and compliment the other spaces. One of the biggest challenges that the Wynnum CBD has faced over decades is (1) the distance between public transport and retail shops, and (2) the lack of parking spaces in close proximity of the shops, banks, post office, health hub, etc. Curbside parking cannot be totally removed along dining strips. If we want people to come and shop or eat or use any of the services in the Wynnum CBD, then sufficient parking must be provided.
