This week’s Wynnum Fringe festival involves a road closure, but not until the weekend. Here is the planned closure…
- Bay Terrace (from Clara Street to Charlotte Street) CLOSED TO TRAFFIC Friday 19th November 10am – Sunday 21st November 6am
The festival will be on Bay Terrace Friday 19th November 5pm-10pm and Saturday 20th November 10am-10pm.
Last year the Fringe organisers estimated around 10,000 people came along and this year are expecting a bigger crowd again.
“We will be trading as normal during the event with takeaways and deliveries.” said Pizza Capers’ Dave Elliott. “Due to the closure of Bay Terrace some delay may affect our service to you – please be patient as we endeavour to give you the service you expect! Thank you for your support and have a great experience at The Fringe Festival!”